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About Me

Hello and welcome to my site! I'm Aran - I'm currently a QA tester at Dambuster Studios and a first-class graduate of the Games Production course at Nottingham Trent University. I'm a sound designer and musician, and love all things audio/game related!

I'd like to show some of my projects ranging from games to music and anything inbetween.


My workflow

- Primary software I use:

- Reaper.

- Wwise.

- Unreal Engine 4.

- FabFilter, Waves & Izotope.

- Vegas Pro.

- Primary equipment I use:

- Tascam DR-70D.

- Focusrite Scarlett 18i20.

Various microphones and configurations (mainly Oktava, Aston & Shure).

- A mix of outboard processing (mainly Fractal, DigiTech and a bunch of DIY analog gear).

My Hobbies & Interests

Admittedly, I have more hobbies than I can keep up with most of the time. I enjoy collecting and restoring all sorts of vintage things ranging from turntables to watches to games consoles. It's rewarding to use these old things once again. Another hobby of mine is working out - I love going to the gym whenever I get the chance. I also love playing games and watching movies. My favourite game is either Borderlands 2 or NieR: Automata, and my favourite movie is probably Apocalypse Now.

One of my main hobbies is making music. This is my beloved Dingwall bass which I've used on almost all of my songs.

I love listening to music. Some of my favourite bands are Periphery, 

Dream Theater, Avenged Sevenfold and Duran Duran

I recently started servicing vintage watches, mainly military ones. This is the movement of a WW2 Kriegsmarine watch which I restored and serviced.

I've been collecting computer keyboards since 2015. I normally collect vintage ones but recently got into building custom ones.

I've recently been interested in photography. Here's a picture of one of my rabbits I took with a Sony A350 + 300mm macro lens. I still have a lot to learn!

I enjoy doing projects involving electronics. I usually build audio equipment but have worked on a variety of things. My most recent project is a dual rack-mount preamp built using two channel strips from a vintage Soundcraft mixing console.


Thanks for checking my site out! Please feel free to contact me regarding any business inquiries here. For personal inquiries/general talk, you can contact me via any one of my socials.

Thanks for submitting!

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